Tiny Toy Tuesday!

I made some more tiny toys. And these ones are kind of special... They're the first tiny toys I've made since moving into my new house. Plus! I actually made all of them using wood I found in and around this place which I now call home. That's kind of cool, right? The funny thing is that one of the few pieces of wood that didn't come from my new home is the tiny house on the Happy Rock mini-diorama. (Oops!) But everything else was made of little bits and pieces that I found while scrabbling around after I moved in. (Okay, everything else except three of the hats on the Pebble People...are you happy now??) Have a look-see at all of the very good things that I made! •Happy Rock / Cool Rocks mini-diorama • •Spooky Rock / Cool Rocks mini-diorama • • Helpful Rock / Cool Rocks mini-diorama • •Deadly Rock / Cool Rocks mini-diorama • • Messy Rock / Cool Rocks mini-diorama • • Capsule Castaways [cloud+rain+hill] special edition • • Messy Mountain • • Pebble People •